Luggage weight and size DOES matter!
With airlines charging for over-sized and underweight bags, the size of the bag will help you to keep your bag under the weight restrictions.  Try to buy two medium sized bags instead of one large bag!


  • 29” suitcase full of clothes will typically weight around 60-70lbs
  • 26” suitcase full of clothes will typically weight around 45-50lbs
  • 24” suitcase full of clothes will typically weight around 35-40lbs
  • 22” (carry-on) suitcase full of clothes will typically weight around 25-30lbs

The weight of the suitcase is also an important factor.  Bags of old typically weighed more because airlines did not care as much about weight and size.  Sometimes overweight bags had a sticker put on them that said “HEAVY”, but never charged extra for them.


Nearly all luggage manufacturers are now actively reducing the weight of their bags.  By introducing new fabrics and materials that are still strong, abrasion resistant, and resilient, luggage is now lighter than ever! But do remember, NOT all bags are made equal.  Be careful, an extremely light bag may not perform as long as a slightly heavier bag.

The frame is very important to the durability of the luggage.  Without a strong but flexible frame, your luggage may fail because of the rough handling that the airlines and cruise ships incur on your luggage.  The frame also gives added protection to your upright handle system, which is often damaged by the airlines (Ever had to carry a 50lb bag without wheels for two blocks? –NO FUN-).  So be careful when deciding on a bag.  Too soft and light may not be durable enough to last, and too hard may be too heavy and lack useful outside pockets.  The best way to buy a piece of luggage and stay with-in the airline guidelines is to buy something light, with a strong frame, in a medium size!