At Savinar Super Store, we take our business to a personal level that most online stores fail to reach.

Yes, we sell great luggage.
Yes, we sell helpful gadgets for the savvy traveler, and business and computer cases that really work.

Yes, we sell nationally known brands. We are everything you’d expect to find in a luggage store – travel handbags, executive gifts, gorgeous leather briefcases, toiletry kits, and notebooks. .

And yes, like the top online stores, we offer the best advice, gleaned from true personal experience, which we can muster.

We also educate many hundreds of travelers a year in Canoga Park, California about how to travel with confidence, and how to travel prepared. And we take the time to get involved, to help when we can, whenever you involve us in making the important personal purchases of your business and travel life. Savinar Super Store takes your total customer experience personally and is committed from the moment you walk into our shop, wander into our online store, and long after the sale is made.

We support companies who stand behind their products, and shed those who don’t. Just like you would.

We are picky…we buy from companies who engineer their products to last. Just like you do, or would if you could we keep the companies who keep their promises, speak in clear language about warranties and guarantees, and make replacement parts available.

We take it all very personally! Try Savinar Super Store- we’d like to make a few promises to you, and we relish the chance to keep them!

Let Mark personally help you with your next
purchase by e-mailing: